Personal Insurance

"One of the most important levels of your financial framework is insurance. Personal insurances ensure that all of your hard work, planning and savings can't be swept away should something bad happen. Insurance is all about risk protection."

What types of personal insurance are available?

There are many personal insurance policies out there, broken up into different categories depending on the level of insurance and the nature of the payout. Here are some common examples you will deal with:

Term Life Insurance

This is usually what people are referring to when they say ‘life insurance’ or ‘death cover’. It is typically a lump sum paid to your family (or estate) in the event of death or, in some cases, terminal illness.

Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

This pays a lump sum in the event you are injured or suffer an illness that causes major cognitive impairment, or renders you unable to independently care for yourself or work.

Trauma Insurance

This pays a lump sum in the event a specified illness (ie cancer, stroke) is diagnosed.

Income Protection Insurance

This pays a monthly benefit that covers up to 75% of lost earnings due to illness or accident.

Protection for your family is the best peace of mind you can buy

Losing a loved one is devastating. Personal life insurance is about protecting your family should anything happen to you. Insurance will cover mortgage payments and debts in the event of your passing, allowing your family time to grieve and plan ahead, without the extra burden of financial hardship.


You don’t need more insurance, you need the best insurance

Most people who come to us have too much insurance – too many plans with no clear strategy. A lot of insurers exist by selling the idea that ‘more is better’, which simply isn’t true. Insurance is paramount to a strong financial framework, so it must be tailored perfectly to your holistic financial plan in order to be effective and the highest value for money. If you first have a financial plan in place, with clear goals and strategies, your insurance can be structured so that everything you are building is protected properly.

Financial Framework can help you build and protect your financial future with a smart approach that keeps things simple and powerful

  • We conduct a full analysis of your insurance – we see what protection you have, where it can be improved, and outline all of your best options.
  • We conduct a full analysis of your current finances and financial goals – outlining your financial framework and identifying what areas can be improved upon.
  • We integrate your insurance into your financial plan – giving you the absolute best coverage to protect your wealth.

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