When Tragedy Strikes Not All Advisers Are The Same

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We don’t share these words lightly, but we feel it’s important that the public is aware of a place to turn to in times of need.

Please note: We have been given full consent to share this letter from our client and we don’t produce this sort of content to promote ourselves. This letter is being shared as a public awareness piece that informs the broader public of helpful services in times of need.

Dear Sir,

By way of introduction, my name is #######

In February of last year we had the extremely sad experience of our son passing away.

He was sole parent to a 14yo daughter, was soon to be married, as well as become a parent for the second time. His second daughter was born 1 month after his passing.

My wife and I became carers for his oldest daughter and his fiancé of course was the carer of their newborn daughter.

My son had no great wealth – in fact, all he had to leave for his fiancé and children was personal effects and a small insurance policy through his superannuation fund.

As you can imagine we were confused, lost, and all of those other words that describe people left in the situation we found ourselves in and further, the expense and confusion involved in going through the confusing probate system was overwhelming to us.

######’s dependants needed support which my wife and I gave (and still give), but they also needed to be able to access #####’s super to help them continue.

And this is where Financial Framework helped.

We contacted your office in Mt Hawthorn and were put in contact with Christine Ward (now Morgan).

From the initial contact until the finalisation of the matter Christine (and any of her associates we had contact with) were an enormous help.

Notwithstanding that comment, I wish to pay particular tribute to Christine who was empathetic to our situation and made us feel that it was her priority to assist us in resolving our situation in relation to processing our son’s superannuation/insurance.

Christine went above and beyond any other service I have EVER experienced (and I am 60yo). She arranged appointments to see her personally so that we could complete paperwork, kept us up to date on everything that was happening and when there was a need for privacy/confidentiality with some aspects, respected and maintained that on our behalf.

Christine even made contact through your office during her time off to get married and I believe also while she was off work for her own personal matters.

Nothing will ever ease what we as a family have been through, but likewise, nothing I can write will ever express fully the assistance given to us by Christine.

All I can say is thank you on behalf of my late son and on behalf of his family who are now at least able to look forward to being able to improve their circumstances as a result of Christine’s assistance.

Finally, I have found in my life that something done by someone that they consider only to be a small thing, or “just doing their job” invariably has an enormous impact on those that it is being done for. While Christine may think that what she has done is just part of her job, please let her know that what she has done has had a profound effect on those she helped in this instance and we will always remember her for that.

With Kindest regards, and again, an enormous thank you,

Yours Sincerely,





During these turbulent times in the financial advice industry (due to the royal commission), there has been a lot of negative publicity around financial advice. While some advisers have not provided the best outcomes for their clients, and some have provided poor outcomes, that is not the case for everyone.

We have been working hard to provide all of our clients with the same level of service that they’ve always experienced. This is just one example of how the financial advice industry, as a whole, can have a positive impact on the lives of individuals in times of need. It’s not all negative, and not all advisers are the same.

The information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account your personal situation. You should consider whether the information is appropriate to your needs, and where appropriate, seek professional advice from a financial adviser.

The information may also not be updated or may have errors, and is meant to act as a guide only. Readers are advised to conduct their own research to verify facts or data. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.</p>

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